In addition to the most complete service to customer needs, the defining cornerstone of our operation and development is the continuous development of our environmental protection activities. Therefore, in parallel with the ISO 9001 quality management system, we have organized all the activities of our company more efficiently in terms of environmental protection. Since 2011, the entire work process and waste management of our printing house have been operating in accordance with the environmental standards specified in the ISO 14001 standard.
Recyclable waste is collected selectively and regularly taken away by our contracted partners. The largest amount is paper waste. While collecting paper waste with a central extraction system, a large amount of paper dust is also generated. This dust is collected separately with the help of our modern dust separation equipment. As a result, the air released back into the open air is completely cleaned and dust-free.
Everything that can be recycled is treated separately, such as used plates, cardboard, plastic packaging materials, waste paper, leftover faux leather or gray board.
As an environmentally conscious printing house, we also consider the collection as well as the separation of hazardous material and waste, generated during production, to be our basic task. No matter we are talking about ink, varnish, liquid for cleaning cylinders or residual oil from maintenance the segregation of each waste is part of the production process.
The selective collection of waste is at the heart of our employees. We also separate waste that is generated during everyday work, such as office paper waste, PET bottles or even electronic waste.
ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System certificate
Our printing house regularly participates in the GPwA (Green Printworld Award) – Printing World Green Award competition. We proudly carry the best 5 star rating!
The award recognizes awareness-raising, exemplary results in the field of environmentally conscious thinking in the paper, printing and packaging industry. Furthermore, it acknowledges outstanding technological and environmental management activities in the field of environmental protection. In addition, it recognizes the development of environmental awareness in the paper, printing and packaging industry.
This award is an outstanding recognition for those ‘green’ printing houses, where the ‘green’ approach and environmental awareness are important aspects. This approach also appears in managerial commitment, control, the creation of appropriate systems or even in everyday life, such as employee involvement and organizational culture.
Green Printworld Award GPwA Certificate
Acquisition and use of raw materials
During the production of any printed material, including books, there are a variety of basic and additional materials, like ink, varnish, glue or foil. Apart from their high quality, the basic expectation is that they also meet the highest environmental requirements. We select our suppliers, also we classify the raw and additional materials accordingly.
FSC® system
With the appreciation of environmentally conscious thinking, more and more products are featuring the FSC® logo. Our company has been FSC® certified since 2011 with the license code FSC-C106616.
Founded in 1993, the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®-Forest Protection Council) is an independent forest certification system that ensures the joint fulfillment of nature conservation, social and management conditions in the certified forest area and a responsible forest management. This means that all laws and rules were followed during the wood processing, and new trees were planted in place of the cut out ones. Biodiversity and ecological balance are maintained during logging and reforestation.
In addition to FSC® certification of forest holdings, organizations performing first, second and tertiary wood processing, such as paper mills and printing houses, are also certified. It is done according to FSC® CoC (Chain of Custody), of which our printing house is a member. The basic goal of the Chain of Custody is to be able to follow through the entire chain of processing and trade in order to see that the timber incorporated into the final product comes from a certified forest. At no point in the product chain can a raw material from a source without certification be integrated into the final product.
While producing books, the raw materials and the finished products, manufactured under the FSC® title, are handled and stored in a regulated manner in accordance with the regulations of the Chain of Custody. The used raw materials and the printed products made of them are handled with special markings and properly recorded throughout the entire production process. It prevents them from being mixed with other materials and ensures accurate traceability of the product throughout the chain.
This is how a book, catalog, or other printed product with a FSC® trademark, that the reader or final user can purchase, is created.
Computer-to-Plate technology
In 2015, a new CTP and developing machine were put into operation in our printing house, which means a more environmental friendly technology than before. One of our goals was the reduction of the number of developing used in closed contact technology. Using this new machine we managed 30% reduction.
Dabas Printing House has a tradition of CTP plate making. In the spirit of environmental awareness, the replacement of traditional offset plates with thermo CTP plates started in 2003. As of 2007, our own CTP developing system has almost completely replaced traditional technology, resulting in a large reduction in energy consumption and waste generation, with a significant increase in image quality.
Printing – Binding – Packing
Solely we use high quality ink for printing, which contains 20-30% plant-based components. We have minimized the use of IPA and other additives in our printing technology.
In the Binding Plant we take care of the use of environmentally friendly adhesives and additives and the proper separation of the generated waste.
We use environmental friendly foil and packaging materials for packaging. On request, we provide our shrink packaging with Green Dot and the recycling symbol.